redux vs usereducer

Scotty Moe

Updated on:

The native React.useReducer hook is a valuable tool for managing state in functional components. It offers an alternative to the useState hook and is particularly useful when dealing with complex state logic or when the next state depends on the previous one.

Although it cannot fully replace Redux, it can be employed in smaller applications as a substitute. One of the advantages of useReducer is its ability to optimize performance for components that trigger deep updates. It also provides a dispatch method for plain old objects as actions.

However, it lacks a built-in way to add middlewares like thunk or saga. While multiple reducers can be used with useReducer, the process of managing their combination into a single store must be handled externally.

In comparison to Redux, useReducer allows for a more flexible separation of low and high priority state changes in different state trees or contexts.

Ultimately, the choice between useReducer and Redux depends on the complexity and size of the application.

When to Use

The useReducer hook is typically used in cases where there is a need for complex state logic or when the next state depends on the previous one, making it a suitable alternative to useState. It provides an action-dispatch architecture that optimizes performance for components triggering deep updates.

Unlike Redux, useReducer does not come with built-in middlewares such as thunk or saga. However, existing Redux middlewares can be integrated with useReducer if they cover a common API.

Additionally, useReducer allows for the separation of low and high priority state changes in different state trees or contexts, providing flexibility in managing state updates.

While Redux offers a global store accessed by multiple components, useReducer’s store is bound to a single component. Therefore, the decision to use useReducer or Redux depends on the complexity and size of the application.

Comparison with Redux

Comparison with Redux reveals that:

  • Redux encourages a specific data flow and provides middleware and wrapper options for setup.
  • useReducer is a part of how Redux works but not the entire Redux library.
  • useReducer can eliminate the dependency on Redux for smaller applications and can be used for local state or lifted to the global scope.
  • It allows for the division of global state between multiple contexts, whereas Redux provides a single global store.

Redux has:

  • Middleware APIs like redux-thunk and redux-saga.
  • useReducer does not have a built-in middleware API.
  • However, existing Redux middlewares can be integrated with useReducer if they cover a common API.


  • Redux DevTools and popular middleware libraries are not available with vanilla React.
  • They can be added incrementally as needed.

Performance Considerations

Performance considerations must be carefully evaluated when deciding between using context and Redux in larger applications.

The use of context can cause the re-rendering of all child components, which can negatively impact performance in larger apps. However, the stability of the children reference inside the Provider can prevent unnecessary re-renders in the context.

On the other hand, useReducer’s state is local to a single component, allowing for more granular control of state updates. It can be used throughout the component where it is defined, optimizing performance for components triggering deep updates. Additionally, useReducer can handle complex state logic efficiently.

Therefore, when performance is a critical consideration, useReducer can be a suitable choice over context or Redux in larger applications.

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