reactnode vs jsx.element

Scotty Moe

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This article examines the distinctions between JSX.Element, ReactNode, and ReactElement in the context of React components. It explores the circumstances in which each type should be utilized and discusses their differences and compatibility.

JSX.Element is primarily employed as the return type for render functions in React components. ReactNode, on the other hand, serves as the return type for the render() method in class components. This discrepancy between the return types of class and function components stems from historical factors and the desire for TypeScript compatibility.

In an ideal scenario, both class and function components would share the same valid return type of ReactElement. ReactElement is an object with a type and props, defining the structure and properties of React components.

On the other hand, ReactNode is a more inclusive type that represents various data types in React. It encompasses text, numbers, booleans, null, undefined, portals, ReactElements, or arrays of ReactNodes.

While JSX.Element and ReactElement are often used interchangeably, JSX.Element is specifically intended for typing JSX expressions in TypeScript.

When to Use Each

When deciding on the appropriate return type for render functions in React components, it is important to consider the differences between JSX.Element, ReactNode, and ReactElement.

JSX.Element is typically used as the return type for render functions in React components.

ReactNode is used as the return type for render() in class components. Class components return ReactNode with render().

Function components return ReactElement. The different return types for class and function components are due to historical reasons and TypeScript compatibility.

Ideally, the valid return type for both class and function components would be ReactElement. To handle the issue with null, it can be typed as ReactElement | null.

Type inference can be used to infer the return type as JSX.Element | null. Explicit function return types or using the built-in FunctionComponent or FC type can also specify the return type.

Functional components return ReactElement | null as the return type.

JSX.Element and ReactElement are used interchangeably in most cases and are used to define the structure and properties of React components in TypeScript.

Differences and Compatibility

In terms of differences and compatibility, JSX.Element and ReactElement have similar structures with a type and props, while ReactNode is a broader type that includes null and other possible return values.

JSX.Element is a global namespace that is set by the React library and is used in TypeScript to type JSX expressions. It is not compatible with null as a return value.

On the other hand, ReactElement is an object with a type and props, and it is the type for elements in React that can be created via JSX syntax or React.createElement.

ReactNode, on the other hand, is a more general type that can represent various data types in React, including text, numbers, booleans, null, undefined, portals, ReactElements, or arrays of ReactNodes.

While JSX.Element and ReactElement are often used interchangeably, ReactNode provides a broader range of possibilities for return values in React components.

Usage and Purpose

The purpose of JSX.Element and ReactElement is to define the structure and properties of React components. They are used interchangeably in most cases and are employed in JSX syntax to create React components.

JSX.Element and ReactElement have similar structures, consisting of a type and props, with the generic type for props and type being any.

On the other hand, ReactNode is a broader type that can represent various data types in React, including text, numbers, booleans, null, undefined, portals, ReactElements, or arrays of ReactNodes. It provides flexibility in representing the content that can be rendered by React components.

Overall, JSX.Element, ReactElement, and ReactNode serve different purposes in defining and rendering React components.

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